
based in upstate new york. (for now)


Every object has a story.  Through careful consideration, curation and research we can better understand the physical objects that make up much of our world.  Each year, the United States produces over 292.4 million tons of waste.  Reuse of household objects iis a great way to reduce our carbon footprint, bring joy into our homes and add unique flair and character to any space.  Curio’s mission is to help educate on the significance and history of unique and intriguing domestic goods in hopes that a deeper appreciation for the value of the physical objects in our lives will led us to consume more responsibly.

About the owner:  My name is Allie, I am a designer and artist living in Upstate New York.  I went to architecture school and worked as a branding and graphic designer.  I grew up on the east coast, antiquing with my mom - learning all she knew from her mother and so on.  I became interested in the history of companies that put out these whimsical items we would see in antique malls.  I collected animal figurines and dolls and all sorts of dishware and china from about age 4.  I have thrifted more than 70% of my belongings and have for all of my teen and adult years.  I am a fierce advocate for sustainability and ecological preservation.  My goal was to find a way to combine just about all of my passions - I hope you love Curio as much as I do!